Fast Is Fine. Accuracy Is Everything.
When a problem is found, a red blinking light goes off. It’s only detecting a symptom. Not its root cause or business impact. And realistically there’s never just one problem. Though wouldn’t that be nice!
Now, fires are spreading. Confusion is setting in. And fingers are getting pointed. Maybe some middle fingers, too.
It can be overwhelming for many teams to know which blazing inferno to extinguish first. So, developers and engineers play a time-consuming game of Whack-a-Mole. After all, friction can pop-up from anywhere.
That’s where Blue Triangle comes in. Our platform provides you with laser-focused precision to diagnose and prioritize every alert, regardless of the team where it originated.
The Blue Triangle platform enables you to:

Maximize your current investments
Get the most value out of your observability stack by combining your qualitative and quantitative data to uncover the hidden revenue-robbing friction points on your site in real-time.
Explore All of the Ways Blue Triangle Customers Resolve Friction on their Websites and Mobile Apps

Pinpoint customer friction undermining business results.

Find and optimize long-running JavaScript and hidden friction points.

Prioritize optimizations by conversion rate and revenue impact.

Proactively detect and diagnose anomalies with surgical precision before they turn into critical problems.

Secure the customer journey and prevent friction with a CSP Manager.
Last year, we uncovered an unbelievable $2.7 Billion for many
of the world’s leading online and omnichannel brands.

How much is revenue-robbing friction costing you?
Don’t spend another sleepless night worrying about slow webpages and site friction. We’ll help you get more sleep and revenue.

Listen and learn how experts at leading brands combat friction every day to create frictionless digital experiences.