5 eCommerce Secrets to Boost Black Friday & Cyber Monday Revenue  Read The eBook


Last year, we uncovered an unbelievable $2.7 Billion for many
of the world’s leading online and omnichannel brands.

Friction sucks. Restore loyalty and maximize sales
with frictionless digital experiences.

Continuous Experience Optimization (CEO) is but a pipe dream without the insights of a data-driven, business outcomes-focused platform.

We uniquely help retail and eCommerce brands deliver the kind of modern, frictionless digital shopping experience that your customers expect - and the business insights you need to compete and thrive.

Today’s successful retailers are those that achieve operational excellence by adopting an obsession-like culture of Continuous Experience Optimization.

Which is why so many retailers and eCommerce brands rely on Blue Triangle; no other platform offers the full range of insight required to maintain CEO.

Because“Danger, Will Robinson!” just isn’t enough.

To gain the deep and immediate understanding of your customers' digital buying experience, it demands full visibility into website and mobile app friction, far beyond the warning lights that most cloud observability platforms start and end with.

Keep those observability tools you’ve invested in, and bridge gaps in your monitoring arsenal with our business-outcomes platform.

Instead, quantify revenue-robbing friction on your site, prioritize solutions for the greatest ROI, and validation that you’ve achieved the desired business outcomes from remediation efforts.

This defines the full Continuous Experience Optimization cycle to put your shoppers at the center of every business decision.

The Blue Triangle platform enables you to:


First, quantify the revenue loss resulting from user friction on your website or native mobile app.


Validate the actual business outcomes achieved from your optimization efforts to prove ROI.


Prioritize where to deploy limited time and resources based on business impact. And resolve friction points with prescriptive guidance.

Like the directions on your shampoo bottle; rinse and repeat. To continually optimize the customer experience.

Watch and Learn!
Here are five questions your
current solutions can’t answer.

Does an observability platform have what it takes to restore lost revenue? Our Frictionless Show will tell you how Blue Triangle is different.

How Retailers Benefit


I have a thousand problems on my eCommerce website. I only care about the problems costing us money.”

Senior Product Director

Big Box Retailer


Blue Triangle… helps target trouble areas of the site by combining business metrics like conversion rate with page load metrics for valuableinsights we would not normally have.”

Richard Swann

Software Architect


With most of our retail clients having thousands or millions of product pages to manage, combined with seasonality demands like Cyber Week requiring peak performance, companies rely on Blue Triangle because no other solution empowers them to:

Go from Guessing to KNOWING.

Quantify opportunity and know how much customer friction is costing you by page.

When it comes to running a successful retail or eCommerce website, understanding the customer journey and how it impacts your business is crucial. Every page on your website plays a role in the overall user experience, and any issues or friction can result in lost conversions and revenue. 

Go from Guessing to KNOWING

Go Beyond Alerts to INSIGHTS.

Get a pulse of every factor impacting customer experiences with a unified customizable dashboard.

Not all red lights or business opportunities are the same. With Blue Triangle, you can track technical, security, business, and marketing KPIs in one customizable dashboard. Get insights on broken links, out of stock items, bounce and exit rates, and more. Identify revenue-draining issues before they affect search traffic, paid media, and conversions.

Go Beyond Alerts to INSIGHTS

Evolve Finger Pointing to PINPOINTING.

Leverage customer journey insights to provide prescriptive remediation guidance for your engineers.

Want to ensure you're addressing the right problems at the right time? Customer journey analytics helps pinpoint friction in your customer's journey. Gain instant visibility to resolve critical issues and improve user experience, avoiding wasted time on unproductive solutions.

Evolve Finger Pointing to PINPOINTING

Replace Hunches with PROOF.

Get a pulse on every factor impacting customer experiences with a unified customizable dashboard

Any DEM solution can confirm technical issue resolution, but what about customer experience improvement and return on investment? Blue Triangle stands out by quantifying revenue opportunity and providing indisputable proof of remediation efforts surpassing expected outcomes.

Replace Hunches with PROOF

Resources for Retailers

See How Your Website Measures Up

How does your website stack up against the speed and performance of your peers? Dare to compare with our industry benchmarks powered by synthetic monitoring.

How to Optimize the Online Retail Experience to Maximize Holiday Sales

The holiday season is one of the most pivotal times of the year for retailers and eCommerce businesses to secure customer loyalty. Are you ready to make the most of it?

Why Every Shopper and Their Black Friday Experience Matters

Every year, like clockwork, shoppers would line the blocks on Thanksgiving Day, eagerly waiting for their favorite stores to open. Their bellies still stuffed with Thanksgiving turkey (or, if you’re like me, tofurky).

Is Amazon Prime Day the New Black Friday in July?

Amazon Prime Day, the annual shopping extravaganza exclusively for Prime members, has become a highly anticipated event for millions of online shoppers worldwide.

Optimize Speed and the Five Friction Forces for a Frictionless Experience

Join us for an insightful discussion with Kenny Goldshvartz, a Digital Strategy and Solutions expert at Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, as we explore the importance of site speed optimizations for a frictionless customer experience.

Leverage Site Functionality to Reduce Friction and Maximize Loyalty

Mike Shady, an eCommerce Executive and former Senior Vice President of Online for Lowe's, shares his extensive omnichannel retail and digital expertise on The Frictionless Experience.

The Unbelievable Cost of Friction

The True Cost of Friction Will Surprise You Imagine a website that takes too long to load. And let’s be real. We don’t have to imagine too hard. It’s something most of us experience every day. It’s a frustrating experience and can be a pain in the @$$.

5 Shocking Ways Friction on Your Website is Costing You Money

Can milliseconds really cost you millions? Yes, they can.

How much is revenue-robbing friction costing you?

Don’t spend another sleepless night worrying about slow webpages and site friction. We’ll help you get more sleep and revenue.