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Blue Triangle offers the only complete platform purpose-built for Continuous Experience Optimization powered by Business Outcomes

A Recession is Here: Digital Experience Optimization First Movers Will Survive and Thrive

A Recession is Here – Only the Digital Experience Optimization (DEO) First Movers Will Survive and Thrive Significant economic changes are coming sooner than we'd like. Even so, MarTech budgets are expanding

Native Blue App (SDK) with Blue Triangle

Visitors to your mobile app are some of your most loyal customers. Ensuring they have a quality experience is just as important (if not more) as monitoring your website. Protect their repeat business with

3 Ways To Supercharge eCommerce Through Social Media

3 Ways To Supercharge eCommerce Through Social Media The growing permanence of social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram has made social media an indispensable component in moving

Blue Triangle Competitive CrUX Report

Do you know how Google views your website versus your competition? If you want to optimize your website for organic search, achieve higher quality Google advertising, and improve the user experience for better

Blue Triangle Out of Stock Revenue Impact Analysis

Do you know the cost to your online business when inventory is out of stock? In addition to lost revenue, it provides a poor digital user experience. Combining the Out-of-Stock Opportunity Report with your

5 Fixes You Must Make to Your eCommerce Website Before Black Friday

White Papers
On Black Friday, every shopper matters. Is your website ready for the holiday surge? (Hint: probably not.) With inflation and recession in the air, shoppers are set to be more discerning than ever this Cyber

Broken Links Revenue Impact Analysis

Do you know how much revenue you miss out on because of broken links? Blue Triangle can quantify how much money you leave on the table and lose due to broken links.

Optimize Your Core Web Vitals with Blue Triangle

Stay at the top of your game and ahead of the competition by optimizing your Core Web Vitals with Blue Triangle for a better user experience. Learn more about the business impact of Core Web Vitals:

The Power of Great Buyer Personas for Targeting

Boost Your eCommerce Sales Funnel with Great Buyer Personas Do you know who your customers are? Because if you don't, how can you possibly deliver a delightful digital experience, capture high-quality leads

Bringing Our Digital Experience Management to Google Cloud

Bringing Our Digital Experience Management to Google Cloud We are thrilled to announce Blue Triangle's digital experience analytics solutions are now available on Google Cloud Marketplace. This inclusion

8 eCommerce Sales Strategies to Try in 2022

8 eCommerce Sales Strategies To Try In 2022 The number of eCommerce businesses being created is rising at a staggering rate every day. Although that is great news for the economy (and anyone that wants to run

What Google's Chrome User Experience (CrUX) Report is, and Why You Should Care

What Google’s Chrome User Experience (CrUX) Report is, and why you should care. We have written about how Core Web Vitals (CWV) can impact your end-users and how improving CWV can cause better business KPIs,